สื่อไทยและต่างประเทศลงข่าววันมาฆบูชา ณ วัดพระธรรมกาย
สื่อไทยและต่างประเทศลงข่าววันมาฆบูชา ปี พ.ศ. 2559 ณ วัดพระธรรมกาย
The 131st Anniversary of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni’s Birth
The virtuous life of the Great Master Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), or Luang Pu Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen, was exemplary from the beginning, in the middle and at the end.
International Alms Offering to 10,000 Monks in Hat Yai
Photos Collection of International Alms Offering to 10,000 Monks in Hat Yai, Sunday, 23rd August 2015 at Niphat-Uthit 3 Road, Hat Yai Municipality, Songkhla Province.
Great Offering in Southern Thailand: 15th Alms Offering to 10,000 International Monks in Hat Yai
98 Years of Dhammakaya Knowledge (Vijja Dhammakaya)
Dhammakaya is the body of enlightenment of the Lord Buddha and “vijja” is the true knowledge; together, “vijja Dhammakaya” means the true and supreme knowledge illuminated by the Dhammakaya vision. This knowledge is the core principle of Buddhism that will lead to extinguishing of suffering and attainment of the state of supreme bliss known is Nibbana.
Ten Thousand Monks Receive Alms at Samut Sakhon
On October 25, 2015 the club of Buddhist tradition inheritance of Samut Sakhon and government-private sectors of Samut Sakhon organized the 2nd Alms-Offering ceremony to 10,000 Buddhst monks at Ekkachai Rd..
The Light of Peace at San Enrique, Philippines 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015, was a very big day for the people of San Enrique. San Enrique, a municipality in the province of Iloilo. On that auspicious day, the people in San Enrique and nearby municipalities succeeded in organizing the 3rd “Light of Peace” event in the Philippines in partnership with the Middle Way Meditation Institute (MMI). Iloilo, Philippines.
Dhammachai Day, the Day of the Declaration of Victory: 27th August
O devas of Pha Dam! Be my witness. I, wearer of these saffron robes, the banner of the enlightened Arahants, plant this banner of war here in my heart, the banner of the Supreme Dhamma that is free from cruelty
Wat Bankhun 29 - 30 June 2015
Please join the Ceremony of Establishing the Buddha’s Relics At Celestial Cetiya of Wat Bankhun During June 29th – 30th, 2015
Khaosod Newspaper published on March 13th, 2015 about the news of 2,000-novice ordination in Loei Province